Thursday, July 28, 2005

As a matter of introduction...

Guess I'll start at the beginning. I'm not much of a runner. Yoga - awesome. Dance - pretty darn good. Step aerobics - until my knee surgery, the queen. But running...never my strong suit.

As a senior in high school, I was almost dared to join the Cross Country team. Since they had no tryouts, I was a shoo-in. That year, I was awarded the distinction of being the worst-ranked runner in the state of Florida - BUT I completed the season and earned my varsity letter. More importantly, I learned I could do anything if a) I really wanted to do it and b) I set my mind to it.

Which brings me to the adult (by age only, trust me) Christine. I have a list of things I must do before I die, and, besides going to Australia (check), I wanted to run the Mouse. So I decided to pursue the dream, and do it for a good cause. I have gotten nothing but words of encouragement from everyone (the Beaudry boys, who ran - and finished - the whole she-bang last year) to my Mom. I also gained a running buddy - Ty, who can keep my snail's pace while we head toward January.

As soon as I get sneaks (platform flip-flops aren't gonna cut it!) I am going to start. Until then, it's positive affirmation time!


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