Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Slacky McSlacker

Wow. Can't blame Bell South for not working out. Can blame the creeping crud that's been floating around our house for weeks. I have no energy. Work (both jobs) just wears me out! I am desperately trying to get back on track. I am embarassed to email my e-coach for Joints in Motion because I have nothing to report. Help!

Speaking of Joints in Motion - you would think I actually had the plague as since I have been fundraising, I haven't heard from a bunch of my alleged friends. I HATE asking for money, but I am almost a grand short on my goal and I've asked them all twice. People I hardly know from my football pool have helped, other than that - nothing - not even a "Hey, I'm sorry I can't help out, but best of luck" - no support whatsoever. How sad. I'm sad. I need to work out all of this aggression/depression. Hey....


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