Wednesday, January 04, 2006

3 days to go...

Am I the worst blogger ever? I think so! I reckon if I were actually going to be able to finish this race, I probably would've kept this up better! Honestly, I have not trained in an eternity. I ran a 5K on December 17th, and had a consistent time, so, if I can keep that pace for 13.1 miles, I'll get my Donald Duck medal for the 1/2.

I am actually looking forward to being done with this whole thing. I miss the gym (in my twisted brain, I can only run at the gym, as I needed to train. There was no time for other activities such as weights or elliptical training.) I can't wait to grab a fashion magazine and hitting the elliptical or bike (it's been so long that some of the fashions within them are probably already out of style!) At least I have been so stressed, depressed and distressed that I have managed to fit into all but 2 pairs of my "skinny jeans" - which had been relegated to a dark corner of the closet because I didn't have the heart to take them to Goodwill (this would be as good as admitting defeat to me!) But I digress...

If I think about it, I will post tomorrow. Friday I am off to O-town. I will definitely provide a thrilling recap when I return from the big race!


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