Monday, October 10, 2005

First 5K in the books!

Yes, I have been very delinquent in keeping my blog up, but I promise to be more dilligent in the future. Running has been going along well (kept to about a 12 minute mile or so - coach still says I am running "too fast" at practices!) I haven't done any long runs yet - but I completed my first 5K this past weekend. Unofficial time is 38:37 (I think). I'll post the official stats as soon as I find out. I did get "runner's high" on Saturday and I am really looking forward to my next race. I'd just LOVE to have someone to run with me. I am having a hard time finding a run buddy in my area. But, I did get to spend a lot of "me time" as I ran through downtown Tampa (and, thank God, I was able to run with my i-Pod. I don't think I can run with it at Disney!) I wasn't completely wiped or overly sore (hip has been giving me problems, and my right ankle/foot was sore after the race - feels ok now.) I think I may have to fold and go to my orthopedic doc - I just hope he doesn't forbid me from running (I feel like there's a pretty good chance of that.)

This week's goal is to run every day - and possibly to get out and run a few miles on Saturday. Let's hope my race day motivation can carry me through the week!


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