Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Eye of the Tree Sloth

Workout: 25 minute easy run (21 min. run - 4 minutes walking) with 5 min. warm-up and 10 minute cool down - PLUS a yoga session with Geri Halliwell (on DVD)
Time: 4.5 mph/13.3 minute mile
Knees: Delightful
Ego: Destroyed

This is hard! I guess I (Miss Type A) was hoping to be running like a champ after 2 weeks. The fact that I ran almost 10 minutes before taking a walk break should be a feather in my cap, but I still feel like a complete wussbag. But, at the pace I am currently going, I will still be able to finish the race in less than the 3.5 hours we're allotted (I will kill myself if I don't finish and have to endure the humiliation of being picked up and driven to the finish line!) I just have to keep going. And I will - I'm stubborn when I need to be, and if there was ever a time I needed to be, it's now! At least I've knocked off a few lbs. that I gained on vacation and got in a good yoga workout (need to do that more often.) I loved the actual Geri workout DVD, but - as much as I love her - the artist formerly known as Ginger Spice needs to shut up during the workout. How annoying! I used to take a spin class where the instructor insisted on not only yammering on for the whole hour but had the nerve to ask us questions while we worked out (all of my energy is concentrated on not passing out or falling off the bike, so I have no time or interest in chit-chat!) But, I digress. Tonight is 30 minutes of running - yikes! As always, I'll keep you posted, dear readers.


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