Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
An update...
I did get some word of encouragement from a family friend (a man who went to school with my Dad). I asked him if he was going to be at the pre-race expo in Orlando and this was his response:
"It looks I won't be at Disney this year. They often invite me to participate every second or third year, but this isn't one of those years. There's a possibility that we might be down, but the odds are against it even though it's only a 2-hour drive from our condo in Ponte Vedra Beach.So I guess I'll have to wish you good luck long distance.
"hh" is the legendary Hal Higdon, and I completely goobed out when I got a response to my email. Hopefully, I won't be letting him down and will be crossing the finish line in a few weeks! I'll (try to) keep you posted!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
At long last! The WDW Half Marathon recap!

I arrived Friday (what a lovely, short drive from PSL!) and hit the Expo to pick up my bib, chip and overpriced souvenirs (and wine!) For whatever reason, my check-in line was the longest one of all! Note to Disney: I am very happy that you employ many older cast members, but could you maybe have more than one working a line that was…oh, 20-30 people deep? When I got to the front of the line, I realized what the hold-up was. The CM was incredibly nice and pleasant, but apparently left his reading glasses at home, so the sign-in took forever (I almost took the list of names from him to look myself!) I then got my shirt, swag bag (sad to see that Tylenol wasn’t sponsoring, so no pre-race aspirin – but lots of breath-freshening products. You need fresh breath when you’re sweating up a storm, right kids?) and collectable pin (and did I mention the wine?) We stayed at the Port Orleans this year. Nice hotel, life-sucking check-in line. Passed up Vito’s for my pre-race dinner and went to a new (to me) Mexican restaurant at the Florida Mall (aka “Heaven”.) I was really anxious about the race this time around (because I slacked on my training a lot, as faithful followers of this blog know) and I was afraid I’d never get to sleep, but slumber came surprisingly easy for me this time around (and the hotel was blissfully quiet – no Pleasure Island revelers to be found!)
The alarm went off earlier than I wanted it to, but at least I knew this year that I didn’t have to take the absolute first bus that showed up (buying me an extra half hour of precious sleep.) Last year, it was 29 degrees at the start of the race and I never took off one article of clothing (sweatpants, sweatshirt, long tights, etc.) during the whole thing. This year, it was delightful – didn’t need a garbage bag or anything – just shorts and shirt. I think it was in the 70s all day. Nice!
I caught one of the (many, many) buses heading to the start line, munched on my protein bar and enjoyed the water I remembered to bring with me this time (I’m no longer a noob!) They had a pretty decent band in the parking lot to get everyone’s blood moving and (thankfully) skipped the annoying army men from “Toy Story” this year. Again, pirates were the dominant costume, with Tinkerbell as the most popular choice for the ladies. I did see some ladies with incredible hats that were created to resemble some of WDWs most popular attractions (Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc.) – my Stitch ears could hardly compare. And sadly, no Asian men dressed like ol’ Tink this year.Disney had a different set-up as far as the start of the race went. They replaced the “corral” system they had last year with “waves.” Yours truly was in the last wave (no surprise there.) Wave A started at 6, wave B started at 6:15 and we were supposed to go at 6:30-ish. The holding areas for the waves were a little tight, but overall, I think this new arrangement worked fine. Of course they had the Star Spangled Banner and flashy start (fireworks, characters, etc.) and they did do it 3 times, so this year I could actually see what was going on. The gun for our wave actually went off closer to 6:20 and it only took about 12 minutes to cross the start line this year. The course itself was cool, and as you can see I got to take some pictures. It stayed overcast for most of the race, which was great for little ol’ sunburn-prone me! I kept hydrated (the first few water stops were kind of disorganized, but after that, they seemed to be fine) and had gels at 6 and 11 miles (love those chocolate ones!) Didn’t get to see Mr. Incredible or the “real” Jack Sparrow, but I did get a decent castle picture (I’m actually smiling!) Mile 11 hit me again this year (the last 2 miles have the most up and down parts of the trail, which kind of stinks!) My mom was at the finish to cheer me on, and at the sight of her paired with the looming finish line brought on the hyperventilation (a race day tradition!) I skipped the post-race snacks (note: bad move! I felt really faint until we were able to get out of the parking lot – which took forever…long story…and get back to the hotel for some food.) My overall time was 3:07 and change (worst time out of the 3 races I’ve done, but only by a minute. I blame water stops and photos. Can’t be that lack of training thing!) I’m proud of myself, because I spent the rest of the day (sore) walking around Disney MGM Studios (I had to see those Christmas lights – they are spectacular.) What a trooper, huh? (Well, the “trooper” passed out cold at 9:30pm.) I now have medal #3, some great pictures and memories, and travel plans for September (Disneyland Half) and January (yup, I’m doing it again next year!) Am I crazy? You betcha! (Top photo courtesy of ASI photo.)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sorry for the Delay...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The Final Countdown...
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Inspiration and Memories
Oh well, yes, I leave for Orlando a week from tomorrow to humilitate myself...I mean, take part in my second half marathon at Walt Disney World. Am I ready? Oh, hell no. But, I feel confident that I will at least finish (not in record time, mind you, but I will cross the line somewhere under 3 and a half hours.) Not as psyched this time around, mainly because I wasn't able to raise all of the $$ I was supposed to for my charity (mark my words, I am never doing a run for dough again. I may do another race (sorry Mom and Dad, I am slightly addicted - and if I do well next week, who knows? But, never hitting up anyone for cash again - not my "thing".)So anywhoo, I'm babbling. I was trying to get myself psyched for next week by (finally!) posting some photos from Disneyland. So, enjoy the show...
Here's Rose and I at the start line - looking pretty perky for 5AM, huh? I think the Hefty cape/wrap really makes my outfit, don't you think? Works well with the Pooh ears...
There are people behind me, honest! This (of course) is Main Street in Disneyland. Should've taken more photos, but I was driven to get in under 3 (which I did - just!)
What a welcome sight! It was cool that Rose was there to cheer me and my leaden legs to the bitter end.
The fruits of our labors! They do have some cool-ass medals at Disney. I really want to do this one again. Let's see how next week goes!