Sunday, August 20, 2006


It's been a while, huh? I have been working out, sometimes. Obviously, I did nothing during our week in Alaska, and packing for the big move has taken up the bulk of the past week, but I still feel like a champ! Fundraising for Disney hasn't been going very well, I hate begging for dough, but I may have to resort to that! I think I am a little behind "on track" for Disneyland, which is only a few weeks away (yikes!)and I think I am just one day off for Orlando in January. As soon as we get settled, I'm on it!

A side note, our new place has dial-up (there just had to be one teeny dark cloud I guess!) so I may not be updating as often (just like I've been doing already!)I promise (after next week) to try harder with this - all of this!