Thursday, October 20, 2005

Official results...and paper underpants

Finally got the results from the race I ran on October 8th. Out of 364 people, I came in 331th (at least I didn't come in last!) In my age group (35-39 - yikes!), I came in 19th out of 24. My gun time was 38:29, chip time (more accurate) is 38:07. 12:23 mile. Need to go a liiiiitle bit faster (want to be at 12 minutes flat, but I have a few months.) Despite being tired that morning, I think I did ok (for a first race.)

Ran last night, knees were a little touch-and-go and my left hip is positively killing me. Going to get my bone density screening today (hence the paper underpants mentioned in the headline). Very curious about that. After I get the results, it's off to the orthopedic doctor, probably for MRI's to make sure all is well in knee-land. Results of that are forthcoming, fair readers. At least I'll have a little extra time for running tonight!

Monday, October 17, 2005


Well, got my recommitment papers on Saturday. This is pretty much the halfway point to the big race! I have met my fundraising goal of $2100 (thanks to all who contributed!) so all I have to concern myself with is me. Do I have what it takes to finish the race? Is my body going to hold up for 13.1 miles (and afterwards too!)? Am I going to get out and do more running in preparation for this, or continue to make excuses as to why I can't get to the gym/track after work (I'm tired, I have to feed/take out the dog, "House" is on, etc.) At least I have beaten the lamest excuse of all - "I don't have a rubber band (for my hair)." Missing a workout due to a hair product is inexcusable! So, the one day I went last week, I did pretty well/average (still at a 12 minute mile.) Lots of aches in the hip area to contend amount of stretching seems to help. I am getting a bone density scan on Thursday. A few years ago (ok, 3 or so) I was diagnosed with osteopenia, so just need a checkup. I am going to see my orthopedic doc if it's gotten worse (full-blown osteoporosis) - I'm afraid he may nix my run altogether! Let's keep fingers crossed... better time than now to get off my butt and workout! If I don't commit, I will not be able to finish. A 5K does not a half marathon make, you know. I am a stubborn person, and I'm not a quitter, especially when it comes to running - so expect more entries detailing my running accomplishments in the very near future!

Monday, October 10, 2005

First 5K in the books!

Yes, I have been very delinquent in keeping my blog up, but I promise to be more dilligent in the future. Running has been going along well (kept to about a 12 minute mile or so - coach still says I am running "too fast" at practices!) I haven't done any long runs yet - but I completed my first 5K this past weekend. Unofficial time is 38:37 (I think). I'll post the official stats as soon as I find out. I did get "runner's high" on Saturday and I am really looking forward to my next race. I'd just LOVE to have someone to run with me. I am having a hard time finding a run buddy in my area. But, I did get to spend a lot of "me time" as I ran through downtown Tampa (and, thank God, I was able to run with my i-Pod. I don't think I can run with it at Disney!) I wasn't completely wiped or overly sore (hip has been giving me problems, and my right ankle/foot was sore after the race - feels ok now.) I think I may have to fold and go to my orthopedic doc - I just hope he doesn't forbid me from running (I feel like there's a pretty good chance of that.)

This week's goal is to run every day - and possibly to get out and run a few miles on Saturday. Let's hope my race day motivation can carry me through the week!