Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Verrrry Scarrrry!

Ran the 5K on Saturday. Good news: I only finished 1 minute slower than my last race. Bad news: I walked 80% of it. This means I walk as fast as I run. What's up with that? Hip was really bothering me (started at about 1/4 mile in, and still hurts today.) I can still finish "The Diz" in time, but I was really hoping I'd be doing so much better by now. I will definitely be hanging up my running shoes come January 8th, 2006. I already have oodles of excuses as to why I can't run this week, and next week is Thanksgiving. I am just going to have to go all out during the whole month of December (save Christmas, of course!) I am going to go 10 miles on Saturday - walking, running, crawling, whatever it takes. I'll let you know how that goes!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I Am a Bad Person, or Excuses, Excuses!

Please note the date on this posting. November 8th. I am ashamed. Not only have I not updated my blog, but I've had no reason to, because I have all but put the brakes on my training. Why, you ask? Well, first of all, I have been travelling quite a bit on the weekends. This past weekend was my parent's anniversary party and the previous weekend I was spending quality time with the hubby at the Giants - Redskins game....I mean, blowout. Not that it's a good excuse or anything...

Excuse number 2 - the pooch. The pooch has been a little...ummm...unruly as of late. (In her defense, she is cooped up in the laundry room quite a bit...) I feel bad that we aren't spending much quality time with her either, so I like to get home to at least spend a few hours letting her whiz around the house (run, not pee) in big circles until she passes out before I do the same (just pass out - I'm not one for dashing around the house at top speed.) I think motherhood isn't really for me. I'm starting an 8-week obedience training class with her next Tuesday (excuse 2B if you're keeping track), so I'm hoping things get better on the pet front.

Excuse number 3 (the biggie) - my health. I have been unnaturally tired the past few weeks. I don't know why. I had all of the tests done, and there's nothing wrong with me. I am chalking it up to stress and depression. My joints still hurt quite a bit (especially my hip) - taking an extended break has done little for me. I know, wah wah wah!

I am running a 5K this Saturday. I am curious to see how I do with only one day of training prior. We'll see...